Today? Today was the easy part. Well, sort of.
The most complicated parts of today were the buses and the old lady. This morning, I left the house about an hour earlier than I normally do, and took the bus to the city with my father. I got to my desk, took care of a couple of things, put my lunch in the refrigerator (a very important step, as we all know); and then headed out to the M15 Select bus down Second Avenue. (I got the 7-day unlimited MetroCard with express bus capability for this week, damn if I'm not going to get my money's worth.) My bus-standing skills continue to improve.
My appointments every day this week are at 9 AM. The woman with the 10 o'clock appointments was there at the same time. She was in her seventies and panicking about the testing. When I arrived she was asking questions, like, "I have to be here every day for a week? Will this hurt? Is it scary?"
And me? I'm not scared about the testing, just what it might portend. So I was busy trying to be upbeat, and be a good role model for the old lady.
The doctor lost the injection site. I mean, he gave me the shot, and then it took him a minute to find the injection site to put a bandage on it (I forget from time to time how freckly my arms are).
But all told, today was easy (and pretty painless).
When I got to work? Bananas. To eat, I mean.
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